Frequently Asked Questions.

Please feel free to contact us, if you seek any advice in relation to Prague Ratters.

Renee: +61 402 654 627
Breeder at Coastal Prague Ratters
Director at The Australian Prague Ratter Club

What kind of communication can I expect from a breeder, in the process of adopting my Prague Ratter puppy?

If you’re purchasing a puppy from one of the members of APRC, we want you to feel confident at all times in the lead up to picking up your new family member. Right from when you are accepted onto our waiting list, we want you to see the home your puppy is raised. We want to meet you, get to know you and welcome you to the small family of Prague Ratter Mums and Dads in Australia. We want you to feel as excited as we are, so we make sure you are truly confident your fur baby is receiving the greatest love and attention right up until home time. So the answer to that - is a lot! However, prior to joining our wait list we like to chat on the phone where we can get to know you a bit better than in an email.

How quickly can I get a Prague Ratter puppy in Australia?

At this stage, you could be on a waiting list for up to a year. If you are interested in a little Prague Ratter to join your family we suggest you contact us as soon as you are ready to commit! Of course, a year is a long time to wait for some families. So people often find a different breed of puppy elsewhere and when we get to them on our list they are no longer able to adopt, which means we could get to you a lot quicker. We keep in touch with families on our waiting list and are happy to let them know how it’s progressing.

How does choosing a puppy work?

When we get to you on the waiting list, sometimes you’ll be told before the litter is even born (we get excited). However we don’t commit puppies to anyone until they are at least 4 weeks old or we are absolutely certain they are healthy. If there isn’t a puppy suitable for you in the litter, we’ll go to the next person on the list but you are able to maintain your position for the next turn. We do take great pride in matching the best temperament with the right family or person/s, so you are welcome to visit us on the Central Coast, meet our dogs and fall in love with them.

I want a blue/tan, merle or a red Prague Ratter puppy, do you breed these?

We don’t breed specifically for ‘special’ colours. While we have sent all kinds of wonderfully coloured puppies to loving homes, we intentionally breed for the standards set by the Czech Prague Ratter Club that we are members of. We care about your preferences however our priority has to be the standard of the breed in Australia and your puppy’s health. If you only want a specific colour you could just be holding out a while longer. All our Prague Ratter puppies are sold to good homes at the same price, regardless of how “rare” the colour is. The health, temperament and standard of the breed is our mission. We do not attempt to breed blue/tan, or merle Prague Ratters.

I am open to adopting an older Prague Ratter… Do you re-home any pets?

Yes! Sometimes unfortunate circumstances cause people to have to find a new home for their little love. This can be incredibly stressful. If anyone who has purchased a Prague Ratter puppy from us has this happen to them we take responsibility of the companion and will care for him or her until we find another suitable home. If there isn’t a home suitable enough, he or she will be loved and appreciated for the rest of life with us. If you are open to adopting an older Prague Ratter, let us know. Come and meet our pets and we will get in touch with you should something like this ever occur.

I am about to purchase a Prague Ratter puppy in Australia, but something is worrying me. Is it appropriate to talk to someone from your club about it?

Yes. Our goals are to promote the Prague Ratter breed in Australia and encourage good breeding standards. If you just want to talk about your experience and concerns we can assure you that you will not be sold to or turned away. We’d love to tell you about the breeding standards, best practice and what you should expect from your Prague Ratter puppy experience and then you can make a well informed decision.

As a general tip, you should be able to obtain references for your puppy’s breeder. Not just their trusted vet but from previous families who have adopted a puppy from them before. Prague Ratter parents love to talk about their puppy! We’re a wonderful community of little pet lovers.

As the breed is essentially new in Australia (15 years), it is imperative you trust your breeder, we know this and will tell you anything you need to know about the history of Prague Ratters.